Hey everyone today, i’m, going to show you how to make homemade apple juice, using your instant pot and an apple peeler, and i’ll show you the apple peele. A super easy recipe.
Lesson outline
- How to make homemade apple juice
- Benifits of apple juice
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All you need is some apples and water that’s.It now the best kind of apples to use.
And while choosing which apple to use it's preferable you look for a shiny and sweet apple because ita the best for making apple juice.
So you really want to use a sweeter apple. Some examples would be gala, fuji, honeycrisp, rome, pink, lady, golden delicious or yellow delicious. Any of those. A sweet apple is going to work the best and give you the sweetest juice without having to add any sugar.
Where do you look for those apples? Well, you can use apples right from the grocery store, malls, street sellers, open market, Petter traders mini shop.
Image of apples |
A really good place to look is, if you have an orchard nearby or a farm stand. That is selling seconds off the trees or off the ground, and those seconds just mean that they’re a little bit riper, they might have some bad spots and they need to be used more quickly than the regular apples on the shelves, it can even save you money and you can get lots of apple there at a cheaper rate.
Now let’s, talk about apple juice, versus apple, cider,
apple juice is, has a clearer, more transparent, look to it and the texture is just liquid while apple cider is liquid, but it can also have some pulp and a little bit of it.
Just has more texture to it and it’s, not transparent at all. We like to make apple juice just because we like to drink for fun and it's healthy
Benifits of apple juice
it is a good source of nutrition.
You get a lot of vitamin c
You get a lot of potassium antioxidants from apple juice,
and since we are making this with the peelings and everything in the pot together, you’re gonna get some fiber from it too.
So let's proceed with making of out sweet and healthy apple juice,
Now you can leave the peeling right on the apple, but we are gonna be cutting them apart.
Get that process going by using a handy apple peeler. This is the most time consuming part of the whole thing and it really isn’t even time-consuming because of we are using a handy-dandy apple peeler, all right, let’s, get going
You start with the core end of the apple.
In case you don't know what an apple peeler is, this is an apple peeler.
You also order them on amazon, jumia, and sometimes you can find them in regular stores in your local area, but this one we happen to find in thrift, store it’s, the best thrift store purchase.
Peel the apple a bit because we don't really need to peel it. We’re just going to core it and slice it and everything just falls down, and we’ll pick that up in just a little bit after we get all the apples done.
When you go to put your apples into your instant pot, you can cut out any bad spots you might have and then just you can either cut your apples into chunks.
What i like to do is just kind of slice down through the hole and just split it in half so that i have slices of apple then just throw everything in the instant pot. Now, when it comes to the cores, we’re, going to cut that stem end off, and we’re, going to cut the blossom end off.
Just throw that whole thing into your instant pot.
I know i’m gonna have some questions about putting the seeds and the cores into the instant pot with the with the rest of it and cooking it all together that’s.
Okay, apple seeds are known to have to be a source of cyanide.
So because it would take a lot of apple seeds to poison you and we’re. Not we’re, not chewing these seeds up and eating them. They’re just being cooked in the instant pot with everything else. They’re, going to be coming out later on.
I’m using an eight quart instant pot. I’m gonna add enough water to cover half of those apples. In this case, i use about five cups of water for five pounds of apples, and then we’re. Just gonna put our lid on the instant pot close it up.
The vent is sealing. I would hit pressure cook until it gets to normal, and then i’m going to let it cook, and then you’re going to let it do a natural release.
Our valve has released and we’re ready to open this up. You would see the apples have cooked there’s would be quite a bit of liquid in there. So we’re, going to go ahead and start the process of dripping the juice in a clean bucket.
You’ll need a bucket, or some some sort of deep dish that you can do this next part. I’m going to put this is a flower sack towel and i’m just going to drape it over my bucket and put it down in the bucket, because we’re going to pour all of the apples and The juice into it, and then we’re, going to do the drip system.
So now i’m going to get these apples. This part can be a little tricky, be real careful so you don’t burn yourself.
Now you can put a rubber band around this or something strong to hold it, and you want it to hang over your bucket now. You can hang it if you can get it secured, you can hang it on a hook. You can hang it on a a strong cabinet door, and the edge of a cabinet.
And you ought to hang for about an hour and let it drip out into the bucket because it’ll. Just it’ll, just slowly drip more and more juice.
I think i would probably get two to three liters out of this, probably around two liters of juice out of it.
When you are going through the dripping stage, you do want to let it hang and drip you don’t want to squeeze the ingredients, because that is liable to put more pulp into your juice, but you really just want juice.
You don’t want pulpy juice or cider. Unless that’s your thing.
The reason that we hang it and let it drip for an hour or so and let it just kind of do it. Let gravity do the work for you.
Then you fresh apple fruit juice is ready
I have got about two liters of juice here, but i have got a lot of apple stuff left over put the stuff through a food mill and make apple sauce with the leftovers and with the juice you can drink it.
If you want to make apple sauce the. Stick with this site.
freeze it drink it, reason for freezing it would give you the best and irresistible taste of the apple juice.
Okay, let’s eat! Let’s drink some that is delicious, fresh apple juice. There’s, nothing like it right.
In conclusion I have taught you how to make apple juice and I showed you a apple juice peeler so try making your own apple juice.
If you want someone else to know how to make apple juice kindly share and comments, thanks till we meet again.